After practising our ideas we go to the media factory to the studio to start the shoot however the model wasnt comftable walking from brunel court to the media factory in her doll make up so we had to do it when we got to the studio again. whilst i was doing the models make up clare and heather were having a few problems setting up the equipment and getting the right lighting. So we got assistance from darren who helped us choose the right settings for the lighting.
Lighting tests and ideas..
This is the studio we rented for our shoot.
Its not the best studion and if im honest the lighting was pretty crap!! which is going to make our shoot alot harder as we want to achieve well lit photos.
Claire and heather rented the studio on tuesday morning to test out lighting and different shots.
For our shoot we are planning on using just a plain white background and maybe changing the background in post production using photoshop. Here are how the lighting tests went..
Im am satisfied with the quality of the light however i do feel it could be alot brighter.
Heather and claire also did test shots on the floor as we want to do some of the poses with the model on the floor heres how it went..
They used a beauty dish pointing down on the subject on the floor to create a brighter outcome.
Darren pointed out that there was a bit of a spill from the lights on the background (left side), due to where claire had stood. So for the shoot we’ll have to make sure we direct the model correctly and have her stood f away from the background. so that the background and lighting is spot on, this means it will be easier when it comes to post production.